Fabio Borges

Regenerative Fund Explorer


I am entrepreneur and business advisor engaged on building a more conscious and responsible way of living on the planet. After many years working for big corporations, I started my journey as entrepreneur back in 2007. I have been acting as board member, angel investor and independent consultant/advisor for companies, startups, social businesses and not-for-profit organizations in Brazil, Canada and Europe. My current focus is to help entrepreneurs and their endeavors to thrive while we design together a new regenerative and distributive way of doing business. My academic background is Marketing and Business Management with an international MBA degree at IESE Business School (Spain) and several other short courses certificates focused on entrepreneurship, regenerative development, transformative innovation, design for sustainability.


* Transparência * Colaboração * Auto-Responsabilidade * Ética * Respeito *
Minha intenção em participar do Value Flow é contribuir para a investigação e disseminação de novas formas de pensar e agir nos âmbitos social, econômico e ambiental, tendo a lógica regenerativa e distributiva como base. Tenho particular interesse em explorar novas formas de se criar e fazer negócios, a partir dessa logica regenerativa e distributiva.

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